
Introduction and Objectives

By Arthur Bispo


The Postgraduate Program in Animal Biodiversity (PPGBAN) is a joint project of the Departments of Ecology (DECOL), Physiological Sciences (DECIF), Genetics (DGEN) and Histology (DHISTO) of the Institute of Biological Sciences and with participation of Faculty of Letters and Campus of Jataí (Federal University of Goiás), Goiano Federal Institute (Rio Verde and Urutaí units) and State University of Goiás (Unit of Anápolis and Morrinhos).


The PPGBAN privileges the formation of competent, critical and creative researchers / educators in their actions, committed to the scientific and social development of the country. In this sense, the profile to be formed presupposes the acquisition of the characteristics necessary to the researcher, as well as those inherent to the educator. The PPGBAN aims to train professionals to carry out teaching and research activities in ZOOLOGIA (in its most diverse areas of activity), so that the scientific knowledge produced can be used in solving environmental problems and disseminated to society.